In A Hurry To Worry?

“Life wouldn’t be worth living if I worried about the past, over the future, as well as, focus on the present.”

~W. Somerset Maugham

We worry!  It’s just a fact of our nature.  Or so some would have you believe!  Ah HA you say with little enthusiasm…..yes, worrying is a choice.  CONCERN, on the other paw, is natural.

But, you shrilly shriek, what about all the things I’ve done?  Okay, here’s an eraser…….change them.  Go ahead, make them go away.  If you can, you are more talented than I gave you credit for.  If you can’t……learn to live with them and learn. 

But what about the future, you say in a bullying tone?  Since it hasn’t happened yet….how does worrying help matters in the least?  We can plan, but plans tend to veer toward the most unexpected rabbit trails, thus making it imperative to be flexible in our planning.  Guess what? There’s no possible way to plan for every single contingency except to be flexible enough to roll with it.

The only venue we can change, alter, shape, or otherwise make different is the present.  We take what we’ve learned from the past, and change the present.  In changing the present, we alter the future.  No hurries, no worries, no muss, no fuss.  Call with your credit card, if you can get a dialtone on yours, and call in the next 10 minutes so we can double the offer of changing your present to alter your future.  Operators are on strike so they’re standing by somewhere besides here.

Categories: Koffee Klatch | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “In A Hurry To Worry?

  1. grosenberg

    ThaNks . This resonates

  2. Thanks for the smile. 🙂

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