Take Over The World! Well, At Least Change It.

We all want to change the world in one form or another. Yes, I know how Pinky & The
Brain-ish that sounds, but it’s still true. Be that as it may, and
let it lie where it will, but the facts are the facts…that being,
that all of us have the potential to change the world. If only for
that one person. I rather fancy you’ve already begun the mental
sauntering down the lane of logic here. But let me toss a bit of a
squishy rock into your path:
Yes, I do realize it’s
been quite some time since last I put words to screen. There are a
number of factors which caused this, which I shan’t get into all of
them, except to say study has been a huge factor. Yes, that’s
right, I said STUDY.
Those who know me, and have taken the time to talk with me, know that I do so enjoy a good
observatory sit where I can see people interact with one another. I
study people and learn from their behaviors. One of the things I
have learned, and yes I DO actually learn things, that my mind is
screaming to share is the gift of gratitude.
Gratitude, the simple act of expressing appreciation for the actions or words of another.
Some show their gratitude with the phrase “Thank You”, while some
prefer the dumbfounded-befuddled “who-are-you” facial expression,
and others opt for the tears-of-joy, whilst the grumpier of the
societal inhabitants choose stoic ignoring of the act entirely.
Did you know that the act of simply saying “Thank You” to others makes their day a
little better? Try it. You see, expressing gratitude is not only a
mood lifter for others, but it also has significant benefits to YOU.
  • Stress hormone levels or cortisol and norepinephrine decrease, creating a cascade
    of beneficial metabolic changes such as enhanced immune system;
  • Coronary arteries relax, thus increasing the blood supply to your heart (yes, you have
    a heart in spite of what you may have been told);
  • Heart rhythms become more harmonious, which positively affects your body’s
  • Breathing becomes deeper, thus increasing the oxygen level of your tissues.
  • In short, gratitude is physically GOOD for you!
If you’d like to change the world, or render someone else speechless, practice
gratitude; after all, you may not always see it, but you DO have
quite a lot to be grateful for…think about it. Especially if
you’re still breathing.



Categories: Hmmmmm........, Koffee Klatch, Perspectives, Wanderer's Wonderings, Wandering Mind | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

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7 thoughts on “Take Over The World! Well, At Least Change It.

  1. Some of my best “lessons” have come from simply observing.
    My bench is never crowded…
    …and, Thank you.

  2. Be it humans or animals, there is much to be learned by just sitting back and keeping ones mouth closed and eyes open!! Being grateful, now, that is something that we as a peoples are greatly missing.

    Post hurricane and watching friends on facebook from the east coast, there are those who are helping others despite what has happened to them and then there are those who have done nothing but bitch about being inconvenienced!!

    • By observing, patterns begin to reveal themselves. In patterns we learn. By learning, we understand those around us a little more. And we learn that it’s better to care and share than sit by and do nothing but criticize.


  3. Pingback: Gratitude 147: Paths « Perpetual Gratitude: A Photographic Diary

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