Monthly Archives: December 2013

Contemplative Contemplations

I recently performed the funeral for a wonderful friend.  Less than two weeks earlier I had performed his daughter’s wedding. So this has been an extremely emotionally month to say the least.  It is never easy to say “goodbye” to a friend.  How does one do that and remain sane?

You never say “goodbye” to a true friend.  They are part of you and they have touched your life in ways you never realize until you see their personality spring forth from yours or you see their family as yours or you notice things you do as being things you picked up from them.

It is never easy to say “fare thee well” to a friend. But it did spark my mind and heart to think. My friend was never one to be considered “religious” because of the sheer callousness reputation of “religious” people.  We had many chances to discuss the matter and we were in complete agreement: “Religious” people are complete assholes!  The whole concept of “What Would Jesus Do?” is answered in a simple “Probably Not What You Think.”  Jesus was NOT afraid to meet people where they were. He went TO the people, He never waited for people to come to Him.  He was NOT afraid to be seen with people the “religious” thought to be inferior.  He did not hide His disdain for the “religious” and wasn’t afraid to call them what they were: “Bunch of SNAKES.”

It is never easy to say “fare thee well” to a friend.  It is never easy to discuss the end of life with someone. But it IS worth the emotional pain to know they are at peace.

Just as a matter of note: when my time comes…I want this to be played on a loop at my memorial: Memorial Music



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