

As I sat thinking and dreaming, I sought inspiration. Thinking it would never appear, my thoughts drifted off on its own having a bit of a wander.

Suddenly, like a slap to the head, it hit me…inspiration does not flow in, it bursts out! When something sparks your imagination, the creativity explodes out of you.


Categories: Hmmmmm........ | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

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6 thoughts on “Inspiration

  1. Personally, I think inspiration is born from determination and dedication to be something better 🙂

    • That’s called Perseverance. Inspiration is a mental spark. And NO, that doesn’t mean I have bacon brain.

      • I disagree, mental sparks for me produce major fires and a blackened unrecognizable result. Inspiration comes from what is buried deep inside it when it finds it opposite magnetic attraction. Random I know but then that is why you like me 🙂

      • Nah, I like you because you are you. I love you because you aren’t afraid to think. 😛

        And the code of the Dork Society requires it.

      • Ahhh yes, I forgot about that section of the Dork Society paperwork! Whew, so glad you reminded me so I will try to do more of it 😀

      • Oh pshaw! You’ve got that part down pat. Always being fine tuned by God.

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